Parents matter.
Our mission is to help whole families encounter Christ by meeting and accompanying them on their journey of discipleship.
There’s a saying out there that God has no grandchildren. This is evident in our own Family of Parishes, where there’s a conspicuous lack of young people. And we miss them. Across our parishes, the number of families involved in religious education has decreased over the last ten years from about 200 families to 49.
We need to rethink how to reach the next generation of young people. We need to do a better job of supporting Catholic parents amid an increasingly anti-Catholic culture. In fact, countless studies researching handing on faith to children have found a consistent X-factor: the faith practices of parents. When it comes to handing on the Catholic faith, parents matter more than religious ed programs, Catholic schools, youth ministry, or service trips.
We are adjusting our offerings to reflect this reality — and to better support parents in their role as primary formators of their children.

Discipleship pathways for families
2024-2025 Family Faith Offerings
Just as every person is unique and is in a unique relationship with Jesus Christ, so it is for families. We’re all in different places with different needs. To better support families across Stella Maris, we are diversifying our ministry offerings. So, you can decide what will be most helpful for meeting your family’s faith formation needs.
Discipleship pathway OFFERINGS for families
What is Family Faith at Stella Maris?
Learn about how Stella Maris can support your family's faith journey.
Encounter Nights
Family Discipleship
Sacramental Formation
"Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith. Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God. The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents."
CCC 2226
Frequently Asked Questions
The new Family Faith offerings replace the programs that had been run for religious education. We are diversifying offerings and encouraging families to find the pathway that’s right for them. We hope Family Faith offerings spark new friendships between families across Stella Maris.
The Sacraments are a gift offered freely by God, to which we freely respond. A child’s parents and the pastor bear responsibility for ensuring that children are well-prepared and disposed to fruitfully receive the Sacraments (cf. Can. 890, 914). Therefore, we offer Sacramental formation programs through St. Bernadette and St. Thomas More schools (for students enrolled in them) or through Stella Maris for families whose children do not attend either parochial school. This year, we are offering Mend (First Reconciliation Prep) in the Fall and Nourish (First Communion Prep) in the Spring. Both programs include an initial parent meeting, at-home lessons to work through as a family, and a retreat. These should not be viewed as a series of hoops to jump through, but as a simple and life-giving way for your whole family to grow in faith, while your 2nd grader becomes more and more disposed in mind and heart to receive the Sacraments. Of course, families whose children attend St. Bernadette or St. Thomas More Schools are welcome to engage in this whole family formation process.
We are moving away from language or models based upon “requirements.” Catholic Christianity is fundamentally about a living relationship with God. He invites us into a relationship with Him and into a life of discipleship. Therefore, we are taking a more relational and invitational approach to formation at Stella Maris. Families can opt-in to the offerings that best suit their journey with the Lord and foster a deeper faith-life in their homes. Faith formation is a gift, not a burden, and we’re trying to reflect this in our offerings.
The best way to prepare children for the reception of the Sacraments is to live a sacramental life at home. This includes regular Sunday Mass attendance, frequenting the Sacrament of reconciliation, praying at home together as a family, and being involved in the life of the Parish. These are the best ways for your children to experience and see what living a sacramental life is like. During their 2nd & 8th grade years there is special formation that takes place with their peers to prepare them for the reception of the Sacraments of First Communion, Reconciliation and Confirmation.
At this point, we are still utilizing a grade-level approach. Children in the second grade who wish to come forward to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist are encouraged to participate in the formation program. In the case of a home-schooled child with a summer birthday, we leave this up to the discretion of the parents who know their child best (so long as the child has reached age 7).
You know your child and your family’s needs better than anyone. We encourage all families to attend at least two Encounter Nights during the year. These are going to be fun, engaging, and foundational. Families with children in 2nd and/or 8th grade should consider Sacramental Formation opportunities. Families looking for personalized support can be paired with one of our trained catechists for family discipleship. It should be noted that you’re not only signing up your child, you’ll be signing up your family.
In the past, many of our programs did not offer parents the opportunity to be a part of the religious education of their child at the parish. However, with simplified offerings, a low time commitment and more opportunities for parents to directly engage their children with regard to the faith, we are finding that a “family-based” approach significantly impacts the formation experience of the child for the better.
Download the FAQ Sheet
You are welcome to download the FAQ sheet. Let us know if you have any additional questions!

Have questions about family faith?
Contact Charles Marks
Charles Marks is our coordinator of youth and family evangelization. You can reach him at [email protected].