Bourbon and Books

"Many of us in later years wish that, when we were younger, someone would have told us about certain things, often certain books that, as we look back on them, would have greatly helped us in the project of our lives, in particular would have helped us know the truth of things."

Some bourbon, a good book, and friendship.

What is Bourbon & Books?

A Bourbon & Books group of 5-8 men creates the fraternal “space” wherein men in similar walks of life grow as brothers in Christ and sons of the Father. Here, men engage with a collection of texts and, in doing so together, cultivate a community that challenges them to become who they are.

What We Do

Initial Commitments

As a group gets off the ground, the commitment level is intentionally quite basic. Members commit to the following elements:

  • Fraternity. The group gathers monthly at a time that is suitable for all members. Unless the meeting is taking place within a penitential season (or a group decides otherwise), bourbon flows—as does the discussion. Meetings begin with a brief time of fellowship before the leader opens with a simple prayer. Once the discussion dwindles and business matters are addressed, the leader closes by leading the Glory Be.
  • Study. Commit to completing the assigned reading for the sake of one’s personal edification, full engagement in the meeting, and contribution to the discussion. While this is the expectation, we know that life happens and that getting (back) into reading can be tough. Not reading or being unable to finish the reading should never be an excuse for not attending a monthly meeting.


We also encourage an intentional effort for the men to bring their families together monthly or bi-monthly for a meal, recreation, and the rosary, simply because it is good.

When We Meet

Groups meet once a month at a time that works for the entire group. You can learn all about starting a Bourbon & Books group within Stella Maris by checking out the leader guide.

Join Us

Please complete the form if you are interested in joining or forming a Bourbon and Books group and one of our leaders will be in touch with you!


Bourbon and Books Interest Form