Sacraments & Worship

Encounter jesus


When celebrated worthily in faith, the sacraments confer the grace they signify—helping us respond to our call to become the Father’s adopted children. The sacraments are efficacious because Christ is at work in them and through them, “it is he who baptizes, he who acts in his sacraments in order to communicate the grace that each sacrament signifies” (CCC 1127). 

The sacraments are life-giving encounters with Christ, offered to us through the ministry of the Church. They are undeniably concrete, objective points of contact with God as “Other.”

offering all to god


During the Mass, the priest addresses the people, saying, “Let us give thanks to the Lord, our God.”

And the people respond, “It is right and just.”

This moment captures the essence of worship. As creatures, we owe God, our loving Creator, adoration and honor. We were made to love and to serve God. We were made to worship. It is right and just. And, when we worship, we find our lives are rightly ordered.

Liturgy is public worship offered to God. The highest liturgical expression is the Catholic Church’s celebration of Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection in the Mass.

Stella Maris is committed to beautiful liturgical celebrations, making the sacraments readily available to parishioners, and worship that arouses the soul and rises to the heavens.