2025 Lenten Mission

MARCH 10–12, 2025

Reclaim: a clear and simple lenten mission

Reprioritize your relationship with Jesus.

A Lenten Mission is a retreat, but you don’t have to travel far for it. Our Mission comes to you. Reclaim will take place on three straight evenings, each focused on a different topic: knowing, loving, and sharing Jesus.

The event details

This Lent, let Jesus reclaim your life.

Reclaim is an occasion for prayer, renewal, and conversion for people of all ages. Each night of the Lenten Mission will officially begin at 7PM and conclude with a brief time of Eucharistic adoration. The Mission will take place March 10–12, 2025 at St. Thomas More Church.

Schedule of events at St. Thomas More

2025 Lenten Mission

Knowing Jesus

Mar. 10

March 10

St. Thomas More Church
6:30PM | Reconciliation & Music
7:00PM | Mission Talk #1
8:00PM | Eucharistic Adoration

Loving Jesus

Mar. 11

March 11

St. Thomas More Church
6:30PM | Reconciliation & Music
7:00PM | Mission Talk #2
8:00PM | Eucharistic Adoration

Sharing Jesus

Mar. 12

March 12

St. Thomas More Church
6:30PM | Reconciliation & Music
7:00PM | Mission Talk #3
8:00PM | Eucharistic Adoration
8:30PM | Reception
Practical and powerful

A Mission on mission.

Ever felt stuck in a rut with your faith? You think there’s got to be more than just showing up for Mass and joining a few “clubs”. But sometimes it just feels pretty monotonous. And sharing your faith with others? That can be a pretty scary proposition, especially in today’s climate.

This is going to be a Mission on the mission. Following Christ and coming alive in discipleship, and even helping others do the same, has a clear and simple path. We’re going to explore and highlight that path, pointing out the markers we can follow along the way.

And we’re going to learn some very practical ways we can overcome fear and begin to more effectively share our faith with others. It’s all tied together – knowing, loving, and sharing. You can share what you don’t really know and love. In this parish mission, over the three days, we will connect those three pursuits in a tangible, practical and powerful way.

Mission Team

Frequently Asked Questions

A parish mission is an occasion of grace — a time to step away from our busy schedules and prioritize our relationship with Jesus. Our Lenten Mission is an occasion for prayer, renewal, and conversion. You might think of it as a mini-retreat, but one that fits more neatly into your schedule.

Lent is a liturgical season of penance and penance is all about conversion. During Lent, we beg God for the grace to turn the whole of our lives back to him and our Lenten observances exist to dispose us to this grace of conversion. The Lenten Mission, with its focus on prayer and the call to conversion, can help bring our Lenten season to life.

The overall theme is “Reclaim.” The idea is that we tend to want to control everything in our lives and we also give up a lot of spiritual ground to the noise of the culture. So, this is about giving the Lord some time and space to reclaim our hearts that we might reclaim our Baptismal identity and mission.

We’re calling this a “clear and simple” Lenten Mission because the theme will be developed clearly and simply over the three nights. Following Christ and coming alive in discipleship, and even helping others do the same, has a clear and simple path. The first night will focus on knowing Jesus. The second night will dig into loving Jesus. And, finally, our third night will look at sharing Jesus with others. There you have it: knowing, loving, and sharing Jesus. A clear and simple path.

Each night, the doors will open at 6:30PM for a time of worship with devotional music. Confessions will also be available from 6:30-7:00PM. The mission talk and Q&A will last about an hour, before we conclude each night with a brief time in Eucharistic adoration. This time of prayer will gradually expand with each night, from ten to twenty to thirty minutes of guided and silent prayer time.

Well, not really. But, there’s no reason why you can’t get dinner with your friends beforehand or drinks afterwards. Plus, we will have a reception on the final night of the Mission, Feb. 12, immediately following adoration.

We are blessed to have Jim Beckman coming in from Denver as our mission preacher. Jim serves as the Executive Director of ImpactCenter, an apostolate dedicated to leadership development in the Catholic Church. He is passionate about his faith and has spoken all across the country. And, Carl Jakubowski will be our worship leader. Carl is a Catholic musician, speaker, and producer. He has performed regularly as a professional musician, both solo and in full ensembles at venues throughout the Cincinnati area and beyond.

We strongly encourage those who are scheduled to simply attend the funeral come to the Mass.  Remember the Mass is the highest form of adoration. 

Nope. But you will get more out of it if you can. I’d encourage every single parishioner to attend at least one of the nights. If you can make more than one, that’s great.

Nope. And there’s no cost. Simply join us at 7:00PM those evenings and bring a friend with you!