That’s right. We are all called to holiness, to deep union with God. And, this is not some self-help program, designed to make us feel better about ourselves. Sainthood, holiness is meant to spill out into the world. It is meant to overflow into the whole of our lives and to become a means by which others encounter the goodness of God.
This year-long talk series will explore the lives of simple, everyday saints. In doing so, we will get a glimpse into what it means to live the ordinary in an extraordinary way. We will receive a new vision for living our lives well, with Christ at the center of them.
"Holiness, the fullness of Christian life, does not consist in carrying out extraordinary enterprises but in being united with Christ, in living his mysteries, in making our own his example, his thoughts, his behavior."
The Talk Series
April 2, 2025
7PM | St. Mary Church
A talk on Bl. Frédéric Ozanam by Alison Zlatic, past District Council President of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul and current teacher at Good Shepherd Catholic Montessori.